Dhamma talk by Ven. Ajahn Jayasaro
A special recording by Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro from Thailand to all Buddhists celebrating Buddha Day B.E.2564 in Malaysia.

Tranquility in the face of Uncertainty
In this Dhamma talk delivered on Buddha Day B.E. 2564, Achariya S. Vijaya, Chairman of Nalanda Education Committee explains the importance of establishing tranquility in the face of uncertainties in life with respects to the eight vicissitudes of life.

Reflecting wisely on the qualities of the Enlightened Buddha
In this Dhamma talk delivered on Buddha Day Eve B.E. 2564, Achariya Tan Siang Chye explains the importance of “wise reflection” and how to reflect wisely on the sublime qualities of the Buddha.

How to cope with fear, anxiety and uncertainty?
In this Dhamma talk, Bro. Benny talks about how as a practitioner to adjust and adapt in coping with fear, anxiety and uncertainty.

Talk on ‘Anchoring our lives with conviction
In this talk, Achariya Tan Siang Chye explains the importance of cultivating conviction and how we can anchor our spiritual well-being with this important quality.

Significance of Wesak
In this Dhamma talk, Achariya S. Vijaya talks about the significance of Wesak and why Buddhists celebrate this great event.

Reflection for Buddha Day
Buddha Day celebration in 2020 is unlike any other in living memory, as Buddhists are not able to congregate at temples and monasteries for offerings, chanting, or learning the Dhamma due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye takes us through what the Buddha taught about dealing with uncertainties, and how should we reflect wisely so that we can experience a spiritual and meaningful Buddha Day celebration.

Who is the Buddha?
As children, we know our parents; but as Buddhists, do we know our teacher – the Buddha? Watch this Mandarin talk by Sis. Sua Siau Ting about the Buddha’s life and His virtues.
我们为人子女的,肯定认识自己的父母,那么,身为一名佛弟子,我们是否也认识伟大的佛陀呢?让我们聆听 Nalanda 弘法团员蔡筱婷为我们分享有关佛陀的一生、他的德行以及其善巧方便的教学。希望大家皆因这佛陀的教诲,依教奉行,最终能断苦,及断苦的因。

Observing the Five Precepts
In this Mandarin talk, Sis. See Hui Shien talks about the Five Precepts (Pañca Sīla) which provides us with the foundation for cultivating higher virtues.
修行从持戒开始。法句经曰 “诸恶莫作,众善奉行;自净其意,是诸佛教”, 这总括了佛法的要旨。学习持戒就等同为自己的修行之路建立稳固的基石,因为精进也必须有戒才能生定,而定则能生慧。且让我们聆听 Nalanda 弘法团员谢佩芯的分享,了解什么是持戒,受持的重要性及持戒真正的意义。

Dhamma for Teenagers
In this sharing, Director of Nalanda Dhamma School Sis. Sunanda talks about the importance of learning and practising Dhamma for teenagers, and how it shapes their formative years. The wise values and principles that they learned will guide them to become helpful, responsible, and well-adjusted adults later on in life.

Buddha Day Observance 2018
The Wesak full-moon ‘Buddha Day’ observance at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang in 2018 was a truly joyful one as it was not just a spiritual celebration, but also a cultural feast based on deeply rooted Buddhist heritage. Watch this breath-taking video of ‘Buddha Day’ observance at Nalanda which captures delightful moments for all of us to cherish.

Interview with Datuk Charlie
In this interview, veteran Dhamma speaker Datuk Charlie Chia talks about the common challenges we face in these uncertain times and how developing tranquility can help us overcome them.

Interview with Bro. Benny Liow
In this interview, veteran Dhamma speaker and Nalanda Award Recipient Bro. Benny Liow talks about ways to maintain tranquility with the cultivation of four sublime states of mind.

Interview with Dr. Punna Wong
In this interview, Nalanda Award Recipient Dr. Punna Wong Yin Onn talks about ways to maintain tranquility in the face of uncertainty especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic.